Carabello Now at Jeff Ruby's in Louisville
This past weekend, Emily and I traveled to Louisville to launch our coffee at Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse, downtown. This is now our fourth Jeff Ruby's restaurant, and we are extremely blessed to have this new opportunity in Louisville.
The coffee, as well as our story and mission were very well received, and we look forward to building on this relationship down there.
Since beginning to work with the Ruby family and their restaurants, one thing has really stood out to me: the level of attention they give to detail.
As Emily sat waiting for the daily staff meeting to take place, servers were busy hand-polishing every glass on every table; every surface was being scrutinized for any speck of dirt missed and the floors were being scrubbed. She was astounded at the level of attention to detail she was witnessing. And this was just one aspect of the entire operation.
We had been there since early in the morning, installing equipment and preparing. We were greeted by Olivia the pastry chef and the kitchen and restaurant were abuzz with activity the entire day. Peeling of potatoes, frying of bacon, blanching the Brussel sprouts, changing out all the dirty rugs for clean ones, trimming the steaks, shucking the oysters, and on and on. For a restaurant that does not open until 5PM it is amazing how many people are working from 7AM on.
More than that, the level of service the staff gives to its guests, and the going-above-and-beyond that occurs all night long as people come and go is really something to behold. Emily and I sat in the lounge for a few hours and took it all in. We have such respect for the hard work that goes into giving people a truly memorable experience, and want to grow in our understanding and execution of that.
We are honored and humbled to have our coffee brewed and served along side such amazing food.